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October 22, 2013 by Mrs. Spiegelman

Welcome to the train

Photo Credit: Keith Tyler via Compfight

Whenever you join something new, it is always polite to introduce yourself to the other people in the group. That is what this week’s activities are all about.

In the comments below, introduce yourself by writing an autobiographical poem.

Later, you will edit this and use it for your ‘About Me’ page on your personal blog.

Students please use the structure given below.

Your name.

Three adjectives to describe yourself.

How you are related or connected to someone else. Son? Daughter? Eldest of three siblings?

Three things you love.

Three things that make you happy.

Three things you give.

Three things you fear.

Something you would like to see.

One dream you have for the future.



  1. karena6 says:

    Karen , Fun loving, sweat,and kind. Daughter, little sister, and niece.
    I love animals, nature, and my best friend in the whole wold Mikaila.
    Being in the woods,being with my friends,and swi

    Three things that make you happy.

    Three things you give.

    Three things you fear.

    Something you would like to see.

    One dream you have for the future.

    Final line: A student at Bogangar Public School or A student in 4/5H.

  2. brianr6 says:


    Awesome,Cool, Funny

    Son, friend, Cousin.

    God, Friends, Family

    Being trustworthy,friendship,

    Spiders, Clowns, Beetles

    A Pirates

    To be Rich

  3. avarae says:


    Funny, smart, kind

    Daughter, older sister, cousin, niece, friend

    My dogs, my family, dancing

    Dancing, food, the beach

    Happiness, faith, trust
    Halloween, natural disasters, people

    TMNT Live, my friends when I graduate, a dog chase his/herself in the mirror

    Become a famous tahitian competitor.

  4. matthewr6 says:



    Son,Younger brother,Nephew,grandson,friend,cousin

    I love my family,I love my dog Kona,and my bird Gigi

    When people say things that make me laugh,My moms dog Sargent,and vine videos

    Happiness,love,and kindness

    Clown with a chainsaw,slender man,and Leather face

    I want to see the movie bad Grandpa

    I dream of being a roller coaster designer

  5. gabriellag6 says:


    Funny, crazy, nice

    Daughter, eldest sister, niece, cousin, granddaughter

    YouTube, music, and friends

    Music, reading and YouTube

    Joy, laughter and smiles

    Spiders, clowns and rejection

    A Marina and the Diamonds concert

    To become a famous YouTuber

  6. karena6 says:

    Karen , Fun loving, sweat,and kind. Daughter, little sister, and niece.
    I love animals, nature, and my best friend in the whole wold Mikaila.
    Being in the woods,being with my friends,and swimming.
    I give my heart and soul into singing, helping, and being kind to others.
    I am afraid that my friends will leave me when we go to High school. I am afraid of bees, and wasps.
    I would like to see my friends happy and never sad!
    For world peace and no killing!

  7. nicko6 says:

    Cool, kind, smart
    Little brother
    Family, basketball, Coco
    My parents, basketball, and my sister
    Funny, nice, and totally huggable
    Missing a lot of shots in a game, clowns, ducks
    Court side laker game
    Be a basketball player or be the broadcaster for the lakers

  8. liliannar6 says:

    Funny, smart, and nice
    Daughter, youngest out of three daughters, niece,cousin,godchild, granddaughter, sister.
    Music, photography, and sports.
    People, art and reading.
    Happiness, laughter and hugs.
    Clowns, spiders and geese.
    A miracle
    People to stop judging each other (ex. Racism)

  9. simonec6 says:


    Crazy, Smart, Kind

    Daughter, Oldest, Granddaughter, Friend, Cousin

    I love my dogs Chucky and Romeo, My Best friend Ruby, My parents

    My best friends, Food, Acting Silly

    Happiness, Smiles, kindness

    Anything poisonous, Bob’s Wife, Losing my dogs to a a swarm of killer hornets

    A quadruple rainbow

    To be a Doctor

  10. caiya says:


    Silly, smart, kind

    Daughter, niece, older sister, great granddaughter, granddaughter, god sister and god daughter, older and younger cousin.

    My brother, Logan, my fish, Little Guy, my cat, Rosa, my parents, fun, violin, volleyball, swimming, sports, Love, purple and aquamarine, little kids, animals, good, being silly, and my friends.

    Things that make me happy are when someone is proud of me, when someone smiles when they are with me, and when I see something so beautiful I want to cry.

    I give cheerfulness, laughter, and love.

    Three things you fear.
    Sharks in the ocean, poisonous spiders, losing my friends and family to death, and being assassinated.

    A quatruple rainbow and at the end is a pool made out of the best chocolate in the world and a waterfall of liquid gold. I believe it would be possible.

    I wish I could be the first person to go to the deepest part of the ocean at the bottom and, I want to go be a fashion designer.

  11. griffinj6 says:


    Funny, smart, kind, helpful, and won’t cheat.

    Middle child in family.

    Family, school, travels.

    Freedom, company, things to do.

    Love, kindness, and random stuff.

    Slender man, talking British dogs, and peas.

    The future

    That I will be a doctor or a mechanic.

  12. Jason says:


    Nice, funny, and tall.

    Son, Youngest child, friend, and grandson.

    My family, my animals, and my friends.

    Three things that make me happy are games, reading, and my family.

    I give laughter, happiness, and love.

    Being alone forever, losing all my friends and family, and being dead.

    Earth from space when we had no big cities and lights.

    I do not have a dream for the future.

  13. aliyahd6 says:



    Smart, kind and loving.

    Daughter, older sister,niece,older cousin, granddaughter.

    I Iove my cat and turtle that are in heaven,my parents and brother

    Are when people make me laugh, hanging out with my friends and playing a game that is know a movie the mo show.

    Love, happiness and awesomeness.

    Well I afraid of Ferris wheel, the end of the world and getting F’s

    I would like to see a mystical Ilsland with unicorns and the water falls are crystal clear water the grass feels like u are living on a soft blanket also the island is made out of candy. I believe that is true . I have a interacting imagination.

    That I will become the first girl famous geologist/ director actor/ works at ghirardelli

  14. christianu6 says:


    I am funny, awesome, nice

    I am a son, I have a little brother, little sister, and I’m nephew.

    I like Budder (Minecraft ore nickname), turtles, and my Xbox360

    The things that make me happy are: getting a new video game, getting a pet, and (hopefully) getting a Xbox One

    I give people fun, happiness, and awesomeness

    I fear heights, getting F’s on schoolwork, and Slenderman. (Some people said he’s real.)

    I would like to see Atlantis. (If it’s real.)

    I would like to do something awesome so i’ll be in school history books.

  15. MacKenzie says:

    Awesome smart kind

    Daughter oldest sibling of two

    Animals, cake, and my famIly

    Puppies hanging with friends and gong to amusement parks

    Clothes friendship and toys

    Spiders clowns and fire

    A volcano

    To own a horse

  16. Randy says:

    Your name.
    Three adjectives to describe yourself.
    Funny, Active, and Playful
    How you are related or connected to someone else. Son? Daughter? Eldest of three siblings?
    Son, Grandson, Couzin, Nephew, Niece, Great Grandson.
    Three things you love.
    Soccer, Video games, and cheese.
    Three things that make you happy.
    Family, House, and Freinds.
    Three things you give.
    Lauphter, Freindship, and Love.
    Three things you fear.
    Snakes, Spiders, and Sharks.
    Something you would like to see.
    A Soccer Game.
    One dream you have for the future.
    playing Soccer and Break Dancing.

  17. Miss W. says:

    G’day Spiegelman 6th graders and 7th graders,

    Thanks for registering for the March 2014 blogging challenge. Make sure you visit the blog every week starting 9th March, when the first challenge is published.

    If you want a reminder sent to your email each week, use the “Subscribe by email” on the right sidebar of the challenge blog.

    Also make sure you visit blogs from other classes around the world with similar ages – see list in blog header.

    Feel free to add the 2014 badge to your blog.

    Miss W or tasteach – challenge organizer

    PS If using blogger platform, please have Name/URL as an option when leaving comments. If using kidblog, make sure readers can view posts and comments.

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