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What Would You Give?


October 3, 2013 by Mrs. Spiegelman

The Giver tries to explain something to Jonas by comparing it to a sled ride in which the runners get stuck in the snow. Because Jonas has no experience of sled, snow, runners, or hill, he cannot understand until The Giver gives him the memory of going downhill on a sled. The Giver also gives Jonas memories to help him understand emotions such as hunger, pain, and love. Which memories would you give to someone who had no knowledge of these emotions?

  • Hatred
  • Jealousy
  • Friendship
  • Sorrow
  • Pride
  • Nervousness
  • Embarrassment

Choose one of these emotions. In the comment section, explain why you chose it, and how you would explain it to someone who has never experienced it. What time in your life would you transmit to them so that they could really understand the true feeling of the emotion?d

Also, please respond to at least one comment.


  1. Natalie M. says:

    I would want people to experience friendship and sorrow because they should know right from wrong so that they can learn to be trustworthy rather than mean and then being filled with sorrow (guilt)

    • Kaiab says:

      I agree with you Natalie that’s a really good memory.

    • Mrs. Spiegelman says:

      Natalie, you did a great job explaining why you chose these. Can you reply to this comment to tell us how you would explain it to someone who has never experienced it? What time in your life would you transmit to them so that they could really understand the true feeling of the emotion?

  2. Matthew T. says:

    Nervousness. In kindergarten because I didn’t know how to speak English.

  3. Kaia B. says:

    If I were to give a person from that community the memory of when I went to my first school fair in kindergarten when I rode the zipper because it was so fun.

  4. Jason Matthew says:

    Pride because the other ones are mean. (Besides friendship) the thought I would choose is winning something.

    • Mrs. Spiegelman says:

      Jason, as always, I find your thinking to be so kind. Thank you for explaining why you chose pride. What time in your life would you transmit to them so that they could really understand the true feeling of the emotion? Please tell me about a specific example. I’m looking forward to reading your response!

  5. Andrew says:

    I think I would choose sorrow.. I chose sorrow because we need to the sadness so that we could deal with it. I would explain like this,”sometime in our life would might reach a moment that we lose something that is important to us and we might feel something like sorrow.” I would transmit the mermory of the time my dog died. I felt like crying all day and doing nothing

    • Connor G. says:

      I think that if you give someone sorrow. That they will even more greatful, so I shall agree with you.

    • Mrs. Spiegelman says:

      Andrew, from what I remember about losing my dog, Daisy, that memory is something that would really show someone the true emotion of sorrow. I can totally relate. What did you mean when you wrote, “we need to the sadness so that we could deal with it”?

  6. Natalie M. says:

    I would want people to experience friendship. They would experience the true meaning of it, an example would be learning to be trustworthy, helpful, kind, nice, dependable, supportive, and most importantly someone you can count on. It would help people to be like all those characteristics to others so that others can do the same, and eventually friendship will spread.

    • Mrs. Spiegelman says:

      What a beautiful vision, Natalie! I would love to read a reply to my comment describing one of your personal memories of friendship that you would share with someone to explain the meaning.

  7. Jasmine C. says:

    I would show Jonas ‘friendship’ because I think everyone should learn what a true friend would do or say. I would tell him that friendship is when a friend is there to support another friend when times are hard and rough. Then, I would show Jonas my memory of when I was stressing out in class once and two of my friends told me to relax. I did relax and having them there at my side helped me to do what was needed of.

    • Isabel L. says:

      I totally agree with you. I tried to say the same thing.

    • Clarissa F. says:

      I agree with you and I very happy to be your friend. Good Job!

    • Mrs. Spiegelman says:

      Jasmine, you gave an excellent example of an experience from your life that would help someone understand what friendship truly is. Could you write about a memory you have of a time when you showed someone else what true friendship is? I remember when one of your friends was distraught because she lost her binder and you put a search team together to help track it down! I would love to read about another time when you showed someone the true meaning of friendship!

      • Jasmine C. says:

        To add on to my other statement, I showed friendship my helping a friend who had lost their binder (I will not tell who). I thought about where my friend could have left it. I searched the 8th Grade room and found it. My friend was grateful and I was happy.

  8. Cruz N. says:

    I would give him the memory of jealousy so he could see what it is like to be jealous or to envy something he did not have so if Jonas ever came into a situation were he got jealous or envious
    He would know how to handle it in stead of caving and giving in to it.

    • Mrs. Spiegelman says:

      Cruz, that is such an interesting reason for giving someone that emotion! As always, your comments make me pause and think. You have a gift for pointing out things that others often gloss over. You left a crucial part out that I’m dying to read about! What time in your life would you transmit to them so that they could really understand the true feeling of the emotion? I’m looking forward to reading your reply!

  9. Giselle Urbina says:


    I chose this emotion because the first time I went to OLG from 2nd grade I was new. I didn’t know what everything was or what were the teachers called, I didn’t know about anything but 2nd grade. Then someone volunteered to show me around and that girl was…Clarissa. Se told me everything about OLG and then I knew was my friend that very moment and the funny thing is we’re still friends now we are Best Friends. And that’s how I knew was going to have a friendship with her. Now I got more friends I ever thought I was going to have.

    • Mrs. Spiegelman says:

      Giselle, that experience made me so happy when I read it! This vivid memory would be perfect to show someone what friendship is! Why did you choose this particular emotion?

  10. Jacob Rodriguez says:

    I would chose friendship because friends are such good things to have. Friendships are people that care for you. They support everything you do. They have a lot in common with you. An example of friendship with me was when I won class rep in 2nd grade.

    • Mrs. Spiegelman says:

      I agree, Jacob. Having deep friendships are very important, and you are blessed to have many good friends in your life. How would the memory you shared show someone what friendship is? Can you give me more details?

  11. Citlaly Q says:

    The emotion I would teach is the emotion of pride. I would teach the emotion of pride because I think it is important for people to feel pride. It’s is important for people to feel pride and have confidence in who they are, not for them to be ashamed in who they are . I would like people to have pride in who they are so they would have courage and stick out in the world. Maybe if people hade more pride they wouldn’t be all these problems of bullying going on in the world.

    • Jasmine C. says:

      I agree with that. People should be proud for self accomplishments.

    • Citlaly Q says:

      I meant to say this:
      Imagine being in training for 3 years. Your trainining has all come up to this moment . They call your name. You hear a roar of “congrdulations” ! Your my and dad are both crying because they are so happy for you. Your entire family is there in the audience cheering for you. And you know that you did it… you became a blackbelt. You feel pride, excited and you feel like no one could hurt you right in that moment. You feel like your on top of the world!

    • Mrs. Spiegelman says:

      Citlaly, the world would be a beautiful place if more people had the confidence to be brave. That’s an excellent point! What time in your life would you transmit to them so that they could really understand the true feeling of this emotion? Is the black belt story something that actually happened to you?

  12. Brian A says:

    I would choose hatred because I can teach the person to not be hate others. I would tell about memories when my friends betrayed me. I would also tell them that sometimes people can be cruel and don’t listen to those kind of people. An example of that is when in 5th grade this kid use to bully me. I would teach him to never to be a bully or anything that would hurt other peoples feelings. I would give him examples of when was hated by everyone just because they followed this kid that said bad words and other bad stuff.

    • Mrs. Spiegelman says:

      Brian, this is a beautiful example of how someone can use a very painful experience to help make the world a better place. Most people don’t figure out how to do this until they are adults, and some never do. I’m so glad that you shared your thoughts on this topic in such detail.

  13. Jessica McMahon says:

    Friendship is mine. It is a part of family. I would share the memory of celebrating a holiday with your family. It’s a pleasant feeling, to be with people you know and not complete strangers. It is good to talk and catch up with others in life. And to at least know that there are people like you.

    • Mrs. Spiegelman says:

      Some of my happiest memories are of celebrating the holidays with family! I’ll never forget the time my Uncle Miles dressed up like a lounge singer at Christmas, and sang a Christmas carol where he changed the words to fit each member of the family. We were dying laughing, and couldn’t wait to hear what he had come up with next! Can you share a specific memory that YOU would use to transmit this experience to someone?

  14. Connor G. says:

    I would transmit the emotion of friendship by the time that I was having a bad day and my best friend Anthony came to my rescue by cheering me up.

  15. Janisse M. says:

    I would choose hatred.. I choose hatred because when I was in 1st Grade, i was always left out and i would hear laughter and people looking at me, and i will sit alone.

    • Mrs. Spiegelman says:

      That sounds horrible! When I was reading this, I wondered why you would choose to “give” this to someone. Is it because by letting others know how painful it was they would hopefully avoid practicing such damaging behavior?

  16. Clarissa F. says:

    It’s a nice day you go to the mall with your mom, you walk into Macy’s and you find some really cute shoes. You think where did my mom go, oh there she is. ” Mom can I get these……..” Oops it wasn’t her. She gives you this weird look and you say “sorry wrong person,” and walk away awkwardly.
    Can you guess the emotion? Embarrassment. I choose this emotion because it happened to me so many times I lost count. I think this is a good emotion to share with someone so the next time you loose their parents make sure it your parents before you start talking.

  17. Isabel L. says:

    If I had to give Jonas an emotion it would be friendship. I picked friendship because then he would know what happiness, joy, and caring is like. A memory I have is when I was in kindergarten Christina stood up for me and every since then she is my best friend. Now it’s my time to be there for her.

  18. Natalie G. says:

    An emotion that I would give to someone is friendship. I would give someone friendship because I think that friendship is really important and, it makes people happy when someone shows true friendship. If I had to explain friendship to someone I would tell them about a time that someone showed me friendship or a time that I saw someone show friendship to someone. A time in my life that I would transmit to someone is when I first started dance, and I had no idea how to this dance move and no one would help me until, this girl named Alexandra came up to me and helped me until I got it. And to this day Alexandra is one of my really close dance friends and, she always hugs me, talks to me, supports me, and always is there for me right before I go on stage.

    • Giselle U says:

      I believe this is true, Freindship in the community should be true. One reason so you can have one to depend on, two friendship should be real not a lie. I like your comment Natalie G. This is a really good comment.

    • Mrs. Spiegelman says:

      Your memory really hit home for me, Natalie! Coach Fisher, Mrs. Carpenter, and Mrs. Franchino have done the same exact thing for me, and I really felt their friendship when they did!

  19. Jack k. says:

    If I was a receiver of memories I would transmit a memory of being exited one of my memory’s of being exited was in 2nd grade when I went to a theme park for the first time.I would tell this to a person that is 9 and up

  20. Kelsey E. says:

    A feeling I’ve felt before was embraced! I felt embraced last year when it was my first time on cruches and I almost feel backwards on the parish hall stairs to the stage. But, you think that’s embarrassing the worst part was once I got up I had NO way down.

    • Mrs. Spiegelman says:

      I can totally relate. I’ve done the same thing WITHOUT a broken leg to blame it on! I think it’s so strange that I feel embarrassed when it happens. Logically, it doesn’t make sense, but it’s always how I feel! I’m curious, why would you choose this emotion to share with someone? How would it help them to know what embarrassment feels like?

  21. Presley says:

    What memory I would give to someone in the Giver is when I went to the school dance. That’s my happiest time this year. I felt happy when I got to dance with the 8th graders and my friends around me.

    • Mrs. Spiegelman says:

      I’m glad your first dance was so much more enjoyable than mine! I felt nervous! Why would you choose happiness to share with someone?

  22. SavanahS says:

    When I was a little girl when my mom and dad were still together they would take my sister and I to a bunch of amusement parks like Disneyland, sea world , and the aquarium. I would always tell my dad to carry me on his shoulder because every time he did I felt tall (he’s 6’4) and powerful. Everything was going very well

    • Mrs. Spiegelman says:

      That memory really conveys what true happiness is! Why would you choose that particular emotion to transmit to someone? How would it help someone to understand happiness?

  23. Eva Reyes says:

    Out of all my memories and experiences I would choose to give Jonas the feeling of friendship. I would choose friendship because I remember when Christina came back to school after a very long time in the hospital and I greeted, helped, and showed her how important she is to me, not only because she was away for such a long time, but also because I have known her since Pre-K and we have bonded so much that we think of each other as sisters. I love the feeling of always having someone to support you and care about you.

    • Mrs. Spiegelman says:

      Thanks for writing about this, Eva. It was a really beautiful thing to watch. I felt blessed that there was so much love and happiness in the air on that day, and I saw many expressions of true friendship.

  24. PK DeVan says:

    I would choose friendship because I feel that it is important for every one to have some sort of real friend, for example a true friend is always there for you and is there when you need someone to talk to or just to hang out!!!

  25. PK DeVan says:

    I would choose friendship because I feel that it is important for everyone to have a true friendship with somebody, for example: a true friendship means that you have each other’s back’s and when you need someone to talk to they are always there.

    • Mrs. Spiegelman says:

      You gave a good reason for why it is important to understand friendship. Can you write about a specific memory from your life that you could transmit to show what friendship is?

  26. Justin says:

    Out of all my mamories I would choose friendship.I would choose friendship
    because when I was in 2nd grade something I got bullied and my best
    friend stood up for me and I was very thankful for him standing up for me.

    • Mrs. Spiegelman says:

      I’m sorry that you were bullied, but am happy you had someone there that was a true friend. Why would you choose this memory to transmit? How would it help someone to understand what friendship is?

  27. Joey says:

    I would give someone pride because experiencing this is so awesome like the time I scored a touchdown on John Madden 08.

  28. Matthew says:

    I think I would give Jonas the feeling of pride because it gives you sense of confidants,
    and makes you you feel very proud of yourself .

  29. Matthew says:

    An example of this feeling is when I got a good grade on my vocabulary test.

  30. gavinb7 says:

    i would give them the memories of friendship and sorrow. This is so that they know how to have friends and having sorrow for one so they can help them through that time, then they can make friends with that person.

  31. hankf7 says:

    I would give the memory of embarrassment so you can see what it is before you laugh at somebody. Like when I was the only one in the Kindergarden class who forgot to do their coloring homework.

    (It’s just one example that I remembered)

  32. talab7 says:

    If I had to give a feelling to someone that has never felt any kind of emotion before I would give them the feeling of friendship and pride. Because there is no better feeling then to know that if there is point in your life that people do not believe in you and respect you, that there is still someone that you can count on. I also believe that pride is a very good feeling that you are confident and you like what you are doing or who you are.

  33. jonathand7 says:

    I would give them the memory of friendship because I think friendship is the most important word in the choices that was given. I think that because friendship is one way that makes people happy,and happiness is really important to the world.

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